Thermal Flagstone Patio in Alexandria, VA
Town / Area: Alexandria, VA, USA
Type of work:
Bluestone, Flagstones, Porcelain, Tiles

Work Summary:
Here is another project completed by Lifestyle Paving and Masonry. This was a new thermal flagstone patio installation completed in Alexandra, VA.
We removed the old garden flower bed and flagstones—and waterproofed the front patio with blackjack.
Excavated 6-inch down installed crushed rock and compacted all the area
We laid a new flagstone and repointed it along with a new 7x4 front step on a 2-degree pitch
Re-used old flagstone to create a walkway / patio area.
Layed both patios / walkway on a wet concrete base and repointed in place along with a veneer stone finish on the front patio
Removed patio, Installed new base foundation of modified stone base, Add stone to compaction, Built new walkway
Laid flagstones, Laid bluestone, Lifted and relaid area, Waterproofed and sealed